My smallest class EVER!

Yes I said it- my smallest class ever- 8 yes 8- mostly giggly freshman girls and two boys.  Its crazy- first semester I had Drawing and Design classes of 25- not a seat left for anyone to sit in and now 8.  I'm not complaining- think of everything I can do with this class!!!!  But it would have been nice to even out the two semesters a little bit.  How fun- so do I flip it?  They are going to get plenty of one on one time- they have my undivided attention for the entire hour- do I need to flip it?

My answer- I don't know!  That's why I'm writing this post- to hash it out on screen (not paper).  Should I do it?  My 2nd hour is going to be flipped so I could just use the info from that class- however I won't teach it the same way and they may have different projects because I can do more with them.  Maybe, it will focus those giggly girls- hmmmmm- it might be good to see how it works with a small class vs a large class.  I'm going to be gone in a couple of weeks for 4 days so I will be flipping those lessons so it will be a good test to see how they do........ Things that make you go Hmmmmmm............ (I quote songs often- especially 90's music).

So like my small class I'm keeping this post short and tell me what you think!


Libby Schwade said...

I say you try flipping the small class and report back on how it is or isn't working.

Deb Day said...

I vote flip. I'm flipping CW2 and it's only 5 kids---of course, it is independent study and they are in three different classes....but still, you should try it!

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