
As Mom mentioned in the first post, I'm the #responsiblemiddlechild.  I'm the one who organizes stuff for the family and helps keep us in line....organizationally.  The other aspects (like keeping the reins tight on #theoops) are mom's job.

I first learned about flipping via Twitter, colleagues, the web.  I then began investigating....methods, research, etc.  I visited classrooms where I saw it in practice; I attended workshops and flip con.

When it comes to new things in my classroom, I'm like a squirrel.

I like to gather facts, examples, and articles.  I like to read and ponder.  To weigh the benefits and disadvantages before I jump.  However, once I commit, I jump.

In April 2013, I attended an amazing workshop with Ramsey Musmallam.  Amazing.  I was hooked.  I committed.

So, the 2013-2014 school year was my first year flipping.  I teach Spanish I and Spanish II.  After following the sage advice of those who have gone before (Jon Bergmann, Heather Witten), I started by flipping one class---my Spanish I class.  After one semester, I like it more than I dislike it.  (A post about that in the future.)  In fact, the flipped method of instruction so matched what I wanted to happen in my classroom with student learning that I will flip Spanish II second semester.

One of the biggest factors in my initial flip and my satisfaction with this choice in my classroom is the group of those teachers flipping around me---the crazy family.


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