
Greetings and Salutations,

My name is Justin, and I am the last, and only male, member of this flipping family.  If you ask Mom, Tanya, Libby, and Kirstin why they call me #theoops they will all say it is because I "wasn't planned."  But if you ask me, I think that they are just too afraid to admit that I bring greatness, good looks, stunning charm, and many other charismatic features to the family that were lacking before I came along.

In all seriousness, I bring a lot of sarcasm and movie quotes to the family.  This is my second year teaching, and I teach 3 different math courses and a Project Lead the Way course here at Howard-Winn.  I coach football during the fall, wrestling during the winter, and help out in the weight room during the spring and summer.

I was first introduced to "flipping" a couple years ago when I was in college and the idea of it intrigued me, but I wasn't really sure I wanted to with that intrigue because I was just starting out my teaching career.  When I got here to Howard-Winn I got matched up with Deb, Tanya, and Libby and we attended a "Flipped" workshop with Ramsey Musmallam.  I was hooked, and because I am one of those people that will jump in right away when I believe in something, I immediately flipped my next unit in Algebra 1.  I learned a lot of things from that experience, and one of them was that I wanted to do it again.  After attending FlipCon13, I committed myself to flipping my Algebra 1 and Applied Business Math classes.

It has been a lot of work and a shock to the system, but I really have had a lot of fun this year.  Not only do I get to communicate with this sweet family a lot more about making things better, I have also had a lot more fun teaching as well.  I really enjoy the banter that goes on during my classes.  As a math nerd it really excites me when I hear students arguing with each other about problems and how to do them.

I am looking forward to continuing to grow and learn as a teacher and leader, and hopefully help others along the way.


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